
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Leftovers, Again?

So, it is clear that I came to blogging reluctantly.  I could never imagine it as my thing.  But I am beginning to see that this is a very exciting and useful tool.  My daughter uses her blog to help those of us who are far away (too far, durn it!) keep up with baby Abby.  Here is her latest photo off her mommy's blog!  (Isn't she a cutie?) So even though I am not there, I can see her change and learn new things every day.  I am grateful for the technology that keeps us close, even though we are 2000 miles apart.  For Christmas last year, I received a camera for the computer.  Gotta learn how to use it.  Sadly, my attempts so far have been unsuccessful.  Maybe that will be my project for Handsome Son when he comes home this weekend

Another thing I am beginning to love about the internet is learning new things.  Almost anything you want to know is right here at the click of a few keystrokes.  It is so cool to need to know something, or be reminded of something, and find the answer right away. 

People post the coolest things on their blogs.  For example, Beautiful Daughter #2 wanted me to put an invisible zipper in a dress I was making for her, and I was reluctant.  Hadn't done it in awhile. And regular zippers are so easy.  But she insisted.  And here online, there is the best invisible zipper tutorial, just for the clicking.  You can find the tutorial here.  Thank you, yaiAnn.  And quilt patterns, ideas, tutorials, tips, creativity - all right here with a few keystrokes and the click of a mouse.  This is so cool.  Something we never even imagined when I was a child.

So yesterday, I mentioned that I had leftovers.  This morning, before work, I sewed them up into 9-patch squares.  I have been thinking about  doing a Disappearing 9-patch with these.  What do you think?  Once they are cut, it is a done deal.  But I think it will be OK.  I think I will like it.  There is a cool tutorial here.  And here.  And there are even some video tutorials.   Should be easy - once I make the first cut.

I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. those are purty...i don't know if i would be able to make that first cut. but, i'm sure it will look fab whatever you do!


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