
Thursday, October 28, 2010

There's Something About Fall....

There's something about fall that has always stirred something in my soul.  I love fall colors.  I love the change in the leaves.  I love the cooler temperatures.  I love the smell of a new box of crayons and sharpened pencils.  I love turkey and cranberries and pumpkin pie.  I love jack-o-lanterns and candy corn.  Fall somehow bespeaks change - in good ways.  Something about fall means winding up and starting over all at the same time - the possibility of growth and change.  Yes, I know that symbolically, it should be spring that gives that feeling, so maybe it has to do with school starting in the fall, but it always seems like fall is alive with possibilities.

Somehow I always feel more creative in the fall.  Last year, as we were waiting for our new granddaughter to arrive, I crocheted countless receiving blankets.  My grandmother used to make these - one for every baby - and they were a treasured gift for every new mom.  I had honestly forgotten about them until we were expecting our own grandchild.  I was compellled to resurrect the tradition.   I must have gotten just a LITTLE carried away, because Wonderful Husband wondered if any baby could use THAT many blankets.  Perhaps not, but I was on a roll.

This year, sewing and quilting have intrigued me, and I have had a lot of fun creating all kinds of things.

And it's always fun to get ready for Christmas.  Too many years, I have been in a rush and shopped out of desperation at the last minute to find something - anything - to give to the ones I love.  This year, I hope it will be different.  This year, I want to (mostly) create thoughtful gifts that are both useful and come from the heart.  With any luck, I will achieve that and have fun in the process.

Meanwhile, happy fall!

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