
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Awesome Foursome Part 3: Pumpkin Table Runner Tutorial

Awesome Foursome Part 3:  Pumpkin Table Runner Tutorial

One Awesome Jelly Roll by Sandy Gervais
3/4 yard Awesome yardage for backing and binding
15" x 45" piece of batting

Note:  Each recipe makes one table runner.  You will have enough fabric strips to make 4 table runners from a single jelly roll, plus matching pot holders from the "leftovers"  Directions are included here for the pumpkin table runner.  Yesterday's post included both the single leaf and triple-leaf designs.  Tomorrow's post will include the turkey design.


Separate your jelly roll into its colorways.

Since I had already made both the single-leaf and the triple-leaf table runners  - and I wanted to save some colors for my turkey, I choose from the fabrics I had left in my jelly roll.  I chose 2 gold, 2 ivory, 2 orange and 1 brown.  The single color will be your center strip and all the other strips will be stitched to it.

I also used scraps from the leaf table runners to create the pumpkin.  You will need scraps of orange and brown.

Sew one gold strip to each side of the brown strip.  Then sew an ivory strip to each gold strip and an orange strip to each ivory strip.  Press seams toward the outside.

 Square up ends.

 For the pumpkin, I downloaded this cute pumpkin pattern from Wee Folk Art here (note:  pattern used with permission).  I printed the pattern on card stock, then enlarged it by tracing around it about 1/2 inch all the way around, except for the pumpkin stem, which I only enlarged by about 1/4 inch.  Note that the orange does not cover the whole pattern - it only covers the edges, one on each side.

For the pumpkin background, I took 2 scraps of orange and folded them around the sides of the pumpkin labeled Layer 1.  With the card stock still inside, I took my iron and pressed in the seam allowance flat. 

 Next, take 2 scraps of brown about 4 inches long and sew them together so you have a piece about 4 inches square.  Place the card stock pattern of the pumpkin layer 2 and use the iron to press the seam allowance flat.

Place Layer 2 on Layer 1, using the Layer 1 cardstock pattern as a guide.  I stitched it down at this point, but I think pinning would work as well.  I machine stitched at each step, but you could use a blanket stitch if you prefer.

Next, I placed a scrap of orange around the Layer 3 pattern and pressed the seam allowance flat.  Pin it, and stitch it down.  You can round out any points as you stitch.

Finally, I wrapped a piece of brown around the stem piece and pressed in the seam allowance, then pinned it at the top of my pumpkin.

Find the center of the 7-strip panel you created above.  Center the pumpkin on the panel in a way that pleases you.  I liked having the stem of the pumpkin hang over the seam a little as shown below.  Stitch it down.  Press.

 Layer your top over your backing and batting into a quilt sandwich.  Pin or baste as desired.

Embroider the details as shown in the pattern.  I embroidered the stem and tendrils, then quilted around the pumpkin and along the seam lines using perle cotton.

Now, all you have to do is bind your edges using your favorite method, and your table runner is complete.

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