
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Poor Little Neglected Blog

So, a lot has happened since I last wrote on my poor, lonely blog.  First, I had projects to finish.  The big day was coming and I found that I was way behind. 

I made an even dozen table runner sets.  It started with French General:

Then we added some 12 Days of Christmas.

And some Michael Miller Holiday Trees.  (I got the towels confused and sent the wrong ones.  Luckily, they went to my daughters who got together for Christmas.  Hopefully it all got straightened out!)

And some Robert Kaufman.  

There was some other still unfinished Christmas sewing.  A green velvet coat.  And a smocked dress for Abby. A growth chart.  And some other unfinished projects. 

And then we flew to Utah for Christmas.  It was wonderful to see everyone. We had a great time.  Beautiful Daughter #1 and Dear Son-In-Law graciously accepted the family invasion.  The gifts were lovely.  The food was wonderful (as always).  And we had a great time.

Grandma got a new camera.  Abby got a new toy.  Unfortunately, Grandma hasn't quite figured out the camera yet. 

And Abby had lots of fun helping with everyone else's gifts too.

And her mommy got a new toy.
It seemed to make her pretty happy!  (That's a Bernina 440 QE in the box right there.)

We relaxed.  REALLY relaxed.

And then, once the big day was over, we had to try out the cool new sewing machine. And now there were TWO sewing machines for 3 sewists.  Much better odds...

Ari and mom made a pillow.

Or two.

Amanda made a quilt. And Ari and mom started a quilt.  (We had lots of help with our projects!) Abby was sure it was her job to sit right in the middle of anything spread out on the floor.  SUCH a big helper!

And I discovered a new fabric store to love.

We saw the lights on Temple Square one really, really cold night.

And stayed up to see in the New Year, then talked til time to leave for the airport.  Sean and I left for the airport at 3:15 am, and after 21 hours of travel, I finally arrived home with the flu.  Needless to say, there haven't been any more projects completed since New Year's.  I am just now beginning to feel human again. 

So, little blog, I am sorry you were neglected, but I have been really, really busy.  And then really, really sick.  I promise to try to do better.

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It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!