
Monday, February 7, 2011

CHARMED - I'm Sure

Charm square swap package received from Lucinda
One of the swaps I am currently participating in is the Chronic Seamstress Charm Square Swap.  There are 18 members, including me, and everyone just selects 8 of their favorite fabrics and sends them to the other 17 people in the swap.  It was fun to choose and send the fabrics - not so much cutting the charms, but every job has a downside, right? - but the most fun part is getting the little envelopes in the mail.  Everyone's choices are so different.  Some are things I would never have chosen.  Some are things I dearly love and wanted.  Some are things I dearly love and didn't know I wanted, until I received them.  So far, I have received 7 sets.  The one above was tied in such a cute way that I can't bear to take it apart.  It has Tufted Tweets as one of the selections and I love it.

Charm square package from Rebecca

This was the package from Rebecca.  Isn't the star great?  Here are the fabrics in the package (it wasn't tied together, so I was ok with spreading it all out).

Charm Square package from Rebecca

This package was from Val and came with an extra 2-1/2" bonus

Val sent this one.  Some of these fabrics I looked at while fabric shopping yesterday.  I may have to go back and get some.

Charm square package from Sue
Here is the package from Sue, all the way from the UK.  Fun!

Charms from Amanda
Amanda sent this package.  These are so pretty.  Love the butterflies.

Charms from Kayce
This is the package from Kayce.  Aren't they pretty.  Such a wide variety.  Nice!

Here are the fabrics I sent, although I ended up not sending the plaid.  The selection included Amy Butler, Heather Bailey, Kaffe Fasset, Dena Designs, Felicity Miller... These are truly some of my faves.

There are a couple more that I must not have taken pictures of yet.  I will add them later.  Sadly, I have to go to work.  I'd rather stay home and play with my fabric!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely selection of fabrics. I'm sitting here drooling over them!


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