
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I recently joined the Pensacola Quilter's Guild.  I have mostly been a lurker - I haven't done any show and tell at all - but last night on the way home from work my alarm on my phone went off.  It was to remind me that the 3rd Monday is MIAGIA Monday.  What's that,you ask?  MIAGIA stands for Make It And Give It Away.  It is one of the charity efforts of the Guild.  I didn't bring my machine, and I wasn't feeling all that well, but I was feeling a little guilty that I haven't participated in any of the charity efforts so far, so I stopped in and asked if they had any kits.  Well, they didn't have any kits, but they did have a couple of bags full of fabric that had been loosely sorted by color, such as the one above.

This is what was in it...

Some of it would actually go pretty well with the fabric for the ugly quilt fabric in my previous post - in fact, I may combine them.  Some of it has real possibilities.  I really like the paisley (3rd from left, top row) and the argyle/jester fabric on the end of the top row.  I haven't opened the roll yet to see what's inside, but the outside has spiders on it.  (My favorite!)  

Intriguing, no?

This morning I was blog hopping, and I saw this post.

This may be just the thing for this bunch of fabric.  What do you think.  Easy and beautiful.  Just my style.

1 comment:

  1. The fabrics aren't my colours! But I think they would look great in the Samosa Quilt!


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