
Monday, April 18, 2011

Practice Pinnie

Don't forget about week 3 of my Blogiversary Giveaway here

I've been wanting to try my hand at making a bottlecap pinnie for awhile now.  I've seen them made with coke bottle lids and Gatorade lids, but those seem too small to be very practical for the kind of sewing I do.  I've been saving lids to things like shaving cream and deodorant and household cleaners since about the first of the year, and they have just been piling up.

So yesterday afternoon, I was watching some mindless TV program and had finished the project I sat down to work on, except for the machine sewing.  I wasn't ready to move to the sewing machine yet, so I decided to pick this up and give it a go.  I have all those felt scraps sitting around from my hexie needlebooks so I decided to see how it would turn out.  There is an excellent tutorial on Flickr by verybigjen.  I basically followed her tute, and just made the pieces bigger.

I didn't spend much time planning, so it was really off-the-cuff, and the top and the embroidery are kind of wonky, but it was just for practice, after all.  The cap I used was from shaving cream, and the sides are scalloped, so if I do it again, I may add a bit of batting inside the felt.  I traced the bottom circle around the cap, but it is a bit too small, so if I make another one, I will add maybe 1/8 inch to that diameter.  I used rice inside a nylon stocking to weight the bottom, and then stuffed the felt topper with polyfil.

Overall, I am pleased with the concept.  I think I will be making several more of these.  There's certainly no shortage of can lids in my collection.


  1. Oh my gosh, this is adorable! I actually like the real person look of the "not straight" sides! I have never worked in felt, but this may be the project to get me started!

  2. How cute :) I haven't ever heard of these before.


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