
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Super Mail Day!!

Be sure to drop in and enter my Blogiversary Giveaway (Week 2) here:

Yesterday morning, about 9:30, I was sitting in the den planning my projects for the day when the mailman pounded on the door.  He had an Express Mail package for me.  I really wasn't expecting anything, especially not Express Mail.

When I opened the package, there were these two delightful GMFG blocks from Laine.  It seems that she had mailed the package on time, and to my address, but in Atlanta.  Oops.  I really had only vaguely thought about the fact that I was missing some blocks, and I certainly didn't expect her to spend a fortune to mail them, but aren't they beautiful?  And they will add so much to my quilt.  I showed it yesterday, but I'm pretty excited about it, so I'll do it again.  Here are all the GMFG blocks I have so far...

And here are all the hexies I have already made that just have to be sewn into blocks...

I'm really starting to get excited about my quilt.

In the afternoon, WH and I took an unplanned lunchbreak (with a coupon, of course - thank you Wanita) and then went to the Navy Exchange.  When I got home, there was another package on my doorstep.  A big one.  It was so cute.  I tore into it before I took a picture, but it had cute stickers on the address label, and I just knew it had to contain something wonderful.

This is what was in it...

Can you believe it?  All this, for ME??  I was blown away.  My partner, Suzettra, had apparently stalked me forever, and she came up with the perfect things.  I told her I didn't think there were enough exclamation points in the universe to describe how excited I was!!!!!

There was a yummy orange, peach and aqua sewing machine cover.  I have been coveting one of these, even to the point of joining another swap that is devoted solely to making sewing machine covers for each other.  (Don't despair, other partner (whoever you are), I have three sewing machines, a serger, and a blind hemmer, so whatever you make me will be put to good use!)

Here is a close up of the center of the block.  I apologize for the wrinkle, Suzettra.  I pressed it, but it doesn't want to come out.  I'm sure it will in a day or two.  Isn't the center motif cute?!

And here's my new cover in its new habitat, ON my machine.  It fits perfectly!

Then, there was this awesome hoop with a quote from (Jane Austen?)  I'll have to find out.  Won't it look wonderful on the almost bare wall in the sewing room.  Too cool!

There was also this cute needlebook and pin cushion.  Check out the cute, cute, cute fabrics.  I LOVE the sewing machine.  And the owls...  And the bicycles...  And the little house...  Oh, such yumminess.

Oh, and did I mention that each one of these little goodies was wrapped individually in tissue paper and tied with selvage ribbon?  How clever is THAT?  And the tape she used had scissors on it.  Is that perfect, or what?

Oh, and ostensibly, the point of the whole exercise is to share fabric, so look at the fabric she sent.  All but one piece is Amy Butler.  Don't I just love AB?  Of course I do.

And as if that wasn't enough, there was a little notebook with the coolest sequined pen, some reference cards, and the most delightful little note.  Turns out she and BD#1 have swapped fabric recently.  I just know that if we lived anywhere close we would have to be good friends.  She hit the nail so totally on the head!

Thank you, Suzettra!  I feel like I just won the lottery.


  1. You are mightly lucky! We all would like to get packages like that for sure.

  2. You are right, the quotation is Jane Austen. It's from "Love and Friendship" which was the novel she wrote in letters to her sister when they were teenagers. I'm glad you like everything :)

  3. GFAS: I'm glad to know. I didn't think there was a JA novel I hadn't read, but no, I haven't read Love and Friendship. I think a trip to the library is in order soon. Thanks again!


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