
Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Gift of Grandma Time

I haven't blogged for a bit because the days have been full to overflowing.  HS graduated from UCF on Friday, and on Saturday, WH and I spent the day driving back from Orlando.  Sunday was pretty much spent recovering.  HS arrived Sunday night and spent Sunday through Thursday with us before heading out west to look for a job.  But yesterday, I traveled to SLC to watch sweet little Abby so her mommy can go to Quilt Market.  We are having a great time.

Yesterday afternoon, I stayed with Abby while her mommy ran some errands.  We had a big time.  We had lunch and played outside and went for a walk in the stroller and took a nap.

This morning, we went to McDonald's for breakfast so mommy could get some much-needed sleep before embarking on the festivities of the week.  We had such a good time at Mickey-D's.

Sadly, I didn't get any really good pictures because my phone doesn't take the shot when you press the button, but about 15 seconds later.  One thing about this sweet little girl is that she is always in motion, and a 15 second lag is just too long.  But, some pictures are better than no pictures, so here is my record of our morning.

So, to any of you who might be venturing to SLC for Quilt Market, enjoy!  I may see you on Saturday night at the Meet & Greet or at some of the events if Daddy is home or Mommy gets a sitter.  For now, I am very content to spend some quality time with beautiful little Abby.



  1. Great to meet you too! What a fun weekend for you - quilts and granddaughter. Thanks for bringing the sunshine too. See you tonight!


It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!