
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wonderful to Get Away... Lovely to Be Home

Union Jack quilt by mother-daughter design team Cabbages and Roses from Spring Quilt Market in SLC
It is always wonderful to get away for a few days...  Different sights, and sounds, and people...  And this year has been so stressful in many ways, that the change was especially appreciated.  It didn't hurt that it was filled with one-on-one "Grandma Time", visits with all three of my children, and some awesome eye candy,

I loved getting to play with sweet little Abby.  At 17 months, she is so much fun.  She is so clever, and sometimes she is just downright hilarious.  Wish I'd brought home a copy of the video her daddy took of her dancing.  She turns circles until she is dizzy, and then she just laughs and claps for herself.  So funny.  And so much fun!

I loved being able to help out while her mommy and daddy made plans to open their online shoppe.  It was great fun to accompany BD#1 to Quilt Market last Friday.  I was so awestruck by all the lovely fabrics, quilts, bags, clothing, and just about anything you can imagine that had anything to do with quilts or textiles.  I took more than 100 photos, and now when I look at them, I think, "Why didn't I take a picture of THAT?"

As an agent for Crafty Fox Fabrics (opening soon), I even got to place a fabric order for some very yummy fabric.  Very fun!  And I even picked up some great loot, some of which I'm sure will be very useful on this blog later (hint!

One of the booths I loved was a triple booth, with Aneela Hoey's Little Apples, Cabbages and Roses' Northcote, and French General's Panier de Fleurs new fabric lines.  All that yummy goodness, and would you believe I only got one photo?  Luckily, BD#1 did a much better job of getting photos of that booth.  In fact, there is a giveaway for a mini charm pack of Aneela Hoey's Little Apples on A Crafty Fox's blog.  Why not head on over and check it out?


  1. so lucky! I hope one day I get to go to Market! I am loving reading all the blog reports about it

  2. I found the Crafty Fox blog a few days ago and started following! I might check out the giveaway now, the Little Apples fabric looks so cute!

  3. I have been to quilt shows and craft fairs, but never to market. Maybe someday I will make it to one. They all seem to be out west.


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