
Thursday, August 18, 2011

I FINALLY Remembered to Take Pictures - A Bridal Shower Story

Last Saturday, our friend Bonnie gave BD#2 a bridal shower.  We had so much fun!  

The food was wonderful, and there was a ton of it.  We ate and ate....

We looked at photos of BD#2 when she was growing up....

The bride got some great gifts...

There was lots of love shared....

We added a little bling (sorry Mitch, but this one is BIGGER)....

And we laughed and played dress up and just had a lot of fun (wasn't she a good sport?)  Check out the "LOVELY" garbage bag wedding dress, complete with sleeves and a bow in the back...

Thanks, everyone, for a memorable day!


  1. Congratulations to your daughter. Looks like you all enjoyed a lovely shower.

  2. Wow, she is a sport! The only thing I hated about my bridal shower was the bow hat. I don't know why, but I could not wait to take that thing off. It does not look like your daughter minded one bit. She seems to have had a blast (always smiling). Congrats.


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