
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Three Quilts - Finished!

Among several other projects that I completed this weekend, I finally got the last of the 3 quilts that have been sitting in my basket finished.

The top one was pieced by BD#1, and then put in the pile to go to Goodwill or DI.  I just couldn't let that happen, so I brought it home, added borders and backing, and quilted it.

It is destined for 100 Quilts for Kids.  Yes, a little late, but better late than never.

The middle one I called "Woodland by the Lake."  It was a duvet cover I made for BD#2 when she first went off to college.  After that first term, she decided on different decor and brought this baby home.

Not one to let a good effort go to waste, I took it apart, sandwiched it, and it has been languishing in the basket for months.

Officially titled "The Leftover Quilt", the bottom one was made from the leftovers of the tree quilt I made sometime in the summer of 2010.  I had actually bound and quilted this one, stitch in the ditch style, and declared it finished but just wasn't satisfied with it somehow.  It has been sitting in a bag in the sewing room waiting for something...  but I wasn't sure what.  Finally, I decided that it really needed more quilting to make it something special.  I really love the fabrics, and the Disappearing 9-Patch was a ton of fun, and at the time, a real departure for me.  So, over the past few days, I finally sat down and quilted it.

So there you have it - three finished quilts.

Three items out of my "to do" pile.

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

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