
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Grandma Time - Part 2

Britton napping on Ali's beautiful Hexi Baby quilt

One of the joys of being a grandma is having the time to do the little extra things that I had neither time nor creativity enough to do with my own children.  One of those things was the opportunity to make baby announcements for both Abby and Britton.  Mommy and Daddy have chosen elephants (or "oncos", as Abby calls them) to decorate Britton's room, so it seemed natural that his baby announcements would go with that theme.

Of course, I meant to have them completely finished when I arrived, but I only had the elements partially put together, so there was lots of cutting and punching and gluing and putting together to do while I was visiting.  Why ever did I design a card with so many pieces and parts?

Two years ago, when Abby arrived, I was able to make her announcements as well.  Her room was decorated with lambs.

Sorry for the lousy cell phone picture, but it seems that it's the only one I have of Abby's announcements.  I actually didn't design this one - a friend had over-created announcements for her little girl's birth, and I bought the partially completed cards and replaced her teddy bears with punch art lambs. 

While I was visiting, we had a little crisis.  Abby received an adorable dolly stroller for her birthday, and it quickly became her favorite toy.  She used it to push around her dolly and her stuffed animals (and the occasional box of cereal) and frequently to chase and terrorize the dog.

 Sadly, the original fabric stroller seat was something less than sturdy - certainly not able to withstand all the use that a certain little girl made of it - and while I was there, the seat ripped so that dollies, critters, and cereal plopped out of the stroller and onto the floor.  These circumstances did not make for a happy little girl.  So last Thursday morning, I took the old stroller seat apart and created a new seat.

 I think this one should last awhile.


  1. There was a quilt in that picture? I'm sorry, all I could see was that GORGEOUS baby! What a sweetheart! I know all babies are cute, but that one, my! He is gonna be a heartbreaker!

  2. What a clever grandma! The stroller looks sooo cute! And what adorable cards!

  3. the announcements are adorable!! love the stroller make over too!! so cute!!


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