
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Waaaay Behind

Since I've spent 3 of the last 4 weekends traveling, I'm getting way behind on my sewing and crafting.  My New Year's Resolution to only do one swap at a time is his*tor*y and I have lots to accomplish.  The good news is that WH is with BD#1 helping take care of the grands and so I have no distractions... the downside is that since I've done so much traveling, I'm exhausted.

I planned to at least do bee blocks tonight, but no.  Not tonight.  Maybe tomorrow.

For now, I will content myself with creating "THE LIST" of the quilty things I plan to accomplish this weekend.

1.  Bento Blocks - how many?  Hopefully 10 - that will give me 40 quarters.  I made these awhile back, though, and it took me forever.  Maybe they'll go more smoothly this time.

2.  Bow Tie Blocks - these babies are pretty small.  I swapped 30 last time and would like to do 50 this time - that would be enough for my quilt, I think.

3.  Anything Goes bee blocks for Stacey

4.  Card Trick bee blocks for Leona

5.  Potholders for PP11

6.  Fabric Napkins for private swap with Peggy

7.  DS Quilts Doll Quilt Swap

8.  Pinnie for FLiPs Pin Cushion Swap

9.  Mini QT Ticker Tape Swap

10.  Mini Scrap Basket Block Swap blocks

11.  And more Granny Squares for the GS QAL

12.  I really want to do the AMH Prism QAL

13.  And I have my Fairy Tale Friends

14.  Andy my Jelly Roll Race quilts to sandwich, quilt, and bind

15.  And I have both March and April's blocks to do in the Craftsy QAL.

 And several more quilts in my mind just itching to become a reality...

I'd better git crackin'.

But for now, I'm exhausted just reading this list.  It must be bedtime.


  1. That * is * quite * a * list*! I think you can get done at least 14 of the 15, I don't know about that last one though, not necessarily #15! LOL!


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