
Monday, May 7, 2012

The List - Progress Report #3

I'm finally getting around to finishing my progress report from LAST weekend, and I'm glad to say that I did make some progress.  (I've been sick this week and barely managed to move from the couch to the recliner and back.) 

Last weekend, though, I managed to make 30 bow-tie blocks and kept 5 so I have 25 to trade.  I don't know why it was so hard for me to get to these.  Or get the photos out of the camera.  These left on their journey a week ago.  This one is my favorite, I think - leftovers from my jelly roll race quilt (which has yet to be sandwiched, quilted or bound =<  .)

And I'm playing along with Krista and the Old Red Barn Co. Granny Square quilt-along (tardy as ever!) but I finished 9 more granny square blocks for a total now of 12.  I need 20 for my quilt, I think, so I have a few more to make.  Don't you love the fabrics?

I traded a couple of charm packs for literally hundreds of perfectly cut squares with Marian (lookwhatladyfacemade).

 I have not had to cut the first square - except for the setting triangles (which aren't really squares at all, of course.)  I really hate waste, and I couldn't imagine what I would do with all those white Kona bits, so I used Tracy's tutorial and cut triangles that fit (sorry I haven't cut the dog-ears yet).  The added bonus is that with Tracy's method, the squares don't have bias sides, so I think the quilt should go together better.  If I ever finish all the blocks.

Aren't these fabrics cute?  Almost all of them were fabrics I didn't have, so sewing with them was a real treat.  I decided my quilt needs a little red, so I'll have to cut some red squares, but heaven knows, I do have red fabrics.  Yes, I do.

I really had a lot of fun with these, especially since I didn't have to spend hours fiddling with the rotary cutter and my scrap bin (although my scrap bin would certainly have been all the better for it, the blocks wouldn't have had nearly the variety - and that's the truth!)

And I was trying to be artsy with the camera (ha-ha - me?) and this is what I got.  Does it make you crazy?

But I do kinda like this one.  Maybe it's better in small doses.

Happy Monday.  I'm going back to the couch now.


  1. I hope you feel better. And those granny squares are fun once you start, huh?!

  2. Your "artsy" pics are lovely. I like how your granny squares are coming along. Hope you feel bettr real soon.


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