
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day Update! And the other winner is...

Well, I promised a solution to my comment numbering dilemma today, and I am determined to make good on my promise.  Ladies (and gentlemen?) we have a solution.

I made a run to Jo-Ann's today and picked up 8 more fat quarters of yummy DS Quilts fabrics.  It's not exactly the same selection as the last one because they were sold out of some of the prints....  Or they weren't in the right place, which is entirely possible with Jo-Ann's, but I'm pretty good at searching, if I do say so myself.  And it's late and I'm too lazy to take pictures, so you'll have to take my word for it that they are lovely.  And if I'm less lazy tomorrow, I'll take pictures of this yummy fabric stack AND the 3 quilt tops I finished today (which explains why it's so late and why I'm so tired.)

 {cue the drumroll again please...)

The winner is -

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2012-05-27 05:11:58 UTC

who is -

226  Debora K May 25, 2012 10:42 AM 
I'm excited about the quilt kit giveaway at Inchworm Fabrics. It's #55 on the U.S. only Sewmamasew list.

So, congratulations Debora K and I'll send you an email shortly to get your snail mail address.  Your package will be in the mail on Tuesday.
There.  No more guilt.  A long aaaaaaahhhh sigh of relief.  

And now, with that settled, I'm off to bed.  Hopefully, there will be some sandwiching and quilting on the docket after church tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

1 comment:

  1. It's quite generous and sweet of you to do this extra giveaway. Warm wishes - Marcia


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