
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Going Berserk for Bags

I've been on a bit of a bag kick lately.  Bags are really not on my list of things that need to be done, but that's how I've spent the last couple of evenings.  So far, I've completed two bags and have two more ready to sew.

I used my basic bag pattern from my One Hour FQ Tote Tutorial but used 1/2 yard pieces of fabric for the bag and the lining instead of the FQs.  The fabric is home dec weight and was on the remnant table at Jo-Ann's.  If you haven't been to Jo-Ann's this week, all their remnants (which are always half off) are half off again, so these bags maybe cost $2.50 to $3.00 each.

This one is red, white, and blue in honor of Independence Day.  I used a scrap of Kona Red for the insert.  The lining (I should have taken a picture of the inside, but I was afraid I'd be late to work) was a piece of DS Quilts Daisy Mae in red. 

I really like this fresh blue.  Not quite over-the-top 4th of July, but it gets the message across I think.

Here's the second finished bag.  Recognize the insert?  I thought you would.  You can't really see the outside pocket on this one, but it's there.  I love the size of these pockets - they hold my iphone and keys perfectly.  I really like this color combination too.  Kinda beachy, don't you think?

This remnant was slightly larger than the other one, so I had enough fabric for the pockets and the handles from this main piece.  It's a bit more subdued than the Independence Day tote.

The lining (you can just see a hint of it in the photo, right?) is a scrap from BD#1's scrap bag.  I love it when she gives me her scraps.  I find them very useful.  A couple of months ago she gave me a small paper bag full of scraps.  This particular scrap was about 1-1/2 yards long and about 22" wide, or a 1-1/2 yard piece split down the middle.  Not sure what she used it for, but I'm grateful for the donation.  Another piece from that same bag of donations was the back of my Outfoxed quilt.  You can't argue with that!


  1. love your bags! I use the one I won from you all the time. I've been on a bag making kick lately too... why not? A girl never has too many bags (and they make great gifts!)

  2. Hi there. I saw you over at Fresh Sewing day. Your mother's quote resonates in my head! My hands are rarely idle : )

  3. These are great bags! Such pretty colors and fabrics. Don't you love using scraps and leftovers to make a new project? Have fun using these :)


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