
Friday, June 1, 2012

The New Look - {Not So} Extreme Makeover Edition

BD#1, whom some of you know as A Crafty Fox, has been after me for awhile now to update the look   of my little blog.  She said the background was distracting and - well - she didn't like it much, although she was pretty kind about it.

And, I wanted to put some photos in the banner, and I didn't know how.

I know how now.   (I love how that sounds when you say it out loud! LOL)

And then, after the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway winner post, where I said that word verification for comments was necessary, a couple of folks emailed and/or commented and said that they didn't agree with me and that I should try NOT using word verification for a week and see if I got a lot of spam comments.

So here it is - the new updated prsd4tim2 blog.

I would love to know what you think and welcome  your comments {without word verification, of course}.


  1. its colorful, seems less complicated than some.. Goodluck

  2. Love the new header! Now it shows your personality!

  3. I love when their isn't word verification. I comment much more when there isn't. Other times I think I've commented and then word verification pops up and I just exit without commenting because I can't figure out the words! Love the new look.

  4. I love your new blog look! And I'm so pleased you're trying it without word verification. They've changed it again this week and I've been really struggling to get the words.

  5. looks great! I took the word verification off of mine during giveaway week & so far blogger has caught the spam comments that did get posted. what program did you use for your photo collage? I'd love to change mine

  6. Love it so! And YEAH for no word verification. Sadly that has prevented me from commenting on others blog. The photos in the banner rock.

  7. Agree not verifying is so nice. I like the new look!

  8. Love the new look...totally would love to know how you figured out the new header!

  9. I like the uncluttered look too. Please can you let us know how you did the new banner and header and got rid of the verifying thingamabob. I need to fix mine up but have no idea how to.


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