
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pillow Talk 8 - Finished

I've known what I wanted to do for PTS8 for awhile now, but of course I waited until almost the last minute to actually put it together.  I was really stumped by what to put in the center.   Finally, while I was digging around in my fabric stash the other night I discovered this  little bit of yummy goodness.

As soon as I saw her, I knew she was perfect for the pillow I had in mind.

The pillow is taken from the Supernova pillow in Quilting Modern.  The original blocks were 6-1/2", but I cut these to 3-1/2 so they would be 3" finished.  My partner asked for a 20" pillow, and this one actually comes in at 20-1/2 when it's bound.  I hope it works for her.

I really debated about the pom-poms.  I bound and backed it with Essex linen, and it just looked so - professional somehow.  I was going for a more fairy-tale look, so I finally decided to add the pom-poms.  Hope it wasn't a blunder.  I'm actually thinking of taking it off.  I'm open to opinions.

I'll get busy tonight and get a couple of other things together and get this in the mail tomorrow - by the deadline.  Can you believe it?


  1. She is a perfect center. Your colors are wonderful.

  2. I say keep the pom poms, but then, I'm a whimsy/fairy tail kind of girl. It's lovely!

  3. Love the special center - I vote for keeping the pompoms! I love it!

  4. It's perfect. I love the colors;)


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