
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Announcing: Milestones!! A{nother} Giveaway Winner!

Thank you everyone for such a wonderful response to my milestones giveaway.  I truly enjoyed reading your comments.  I tried to respond to everyone.  If I missed you, I apologize.  It wasn't intentional.  I had a few technical glitches this week, which I hope are resolved now.  At one point I thought my poor computer was on the fritz, which was truly upsetting, given that it is almost new.  Apparently with all the rain we have had, our internet provider was having issues. 

Meanwhile, it's time to choose a winner in the Milestones giveaway.  There were 208 comments on the blog post and 18 comments on FB for a total of 226 entries. 

Mr. RNG seems to be working today.  He says:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2012-08-16 11:37:40 UTC

Who is...

I am newly following :)
Congratulations, Jennie!  I hope you enjoy your delicious bundle of DS Quilts fabrics.  I'll be sending you an email shortly to get your address.
And thanks again to everyone who entered and helped me celebrate these bloggy milestones.  It seems I'm nearing another milestone, so I just may have to have another party soon.


It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!