
Monday, August 27, 2012


Despite all the anxiety of having a potential hurricane barreling down on us, I did manage to turn off the Weather Channel long enough yesterday to finish up some quilty items.  I had planned to sew all weekend, but Saturday, when the storm looked like it was heading directly for us, husband went into the panic preparedness mode and we ended up shopping for things like bread, batteries and plywood.  Once the storm began to turn to the west, things got a lot more sane at our house, and I realized that turning off the tropical updates every 10 minutes was a healthy thing to do.

First, I made this pinwheel notebook cover for the Super Swaps covered notebook swap.  The pinwheels were the bonus HSTs from the mini-Swoon blocks I made for the 3x6 bee a couple of months ago.  I love it when things I might otherwise throw in the trash become useful and beautiful in another project.  It makes me feel so - thrifty!  I used a standard composition book for the journal.  They are inexpensive, easy to find, and a pretty nice size to write on.

Then I made a name tag for my partner in the RATZ (Rapid and Tiny Zakka Swap).  I thought I signed up for this swap and was perplexed when I didn't receive a partner.  I had just about reconciled myself to not playing this round, which wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen, when the swap mama emailed me and said that someone else was left out too, and asked if I wanted to partner up.  Naturally, having a chronic inability to say "no", I agreed.  This is a sneak peek at the name tag I made for her.

And finally, I finished my Raspberry Sundae Bowls with Borders mini quilt.    I took the photo with my phone, so the colors aren't perfect.  Overall though, I'm pleased with how it turned out.  Raspberry Sundae is currently winging her way to Germany, which is somehow fitting, considering that is where the pattern came from.  How ironic is that?

So, all in all, despite the distraction of the weather threat, I feel like it was a pretty productive weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like hurricane staples to me, except you didn't add any wine or beer to your list. Last hurricane we had, afterwards when the power was out and there is no longer a need to watch the weather channel non-stop, I moved my sewing machine to the kitchen and hooked up to the generator. Made many blocks because there was nothing else to do!
    Love your little pinweheels!


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