
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Think Christmas Blog Hop {Choosing Another} Winner

NOTE:  The Milestone 300th post, 200 follower giveaway is still going on - if you wish to enter that giveaway, go here.

As promised, on Thursday, I let Mr. RNG choose a winner in the Think Christmas Blog Hop giveaway from the previous Friday.  But alas, that winner was a No-Reply blogger and didn't respond to the winner post.  It is so disappointing when a no-reply blogger wins.  It just seems sad.  I really wanted to give the winner this gorgeous bundle of DS Quilts fabrics, but she didn't respond, and somebody should win it.  If you go to all the bother to have a giveaway, someone should win, right?

Awhile back, I read a post on Pleasant Home.  She mentions that some folks don't even know they are no-reply bloggers.  I have to admit, when I was new to the blogging world, I was a no-reply blogger for awhile.  I wondered why I never won giveaways and no one ever responded to my questions.  I don't think I even knew there was such a thing as a no-reply blogger.  

 Well, I'm not going to reinvent the wheel in this post.  Pleasant Home has done a great tutorial on how to see if you are a no-reply blogger and how to fix it.

Anyway, today I was going to let Mr. RNG choose another winner but I got a server error (doesn't seem to be my day), so I let WH choose the number.  I said, "Honey, pick a number between 1 and 199." And he looked at me like I had two heads and said, "OK, 100."  Just like that, we have a winner.    That's pretty random, right?

Lucky #100 was...

We love decorating! Thanks for the great give-away!

I've already checked to see if Courtneysews has an email address, so I'm off to send her an email.

Congratulations, Courtneysews!  I hope you enjoy your FQ bundle of DS Quilts fabric.


  1. Congrats to Courtneysews and thanks for the great giveaway!

  2. Ha,I recently asked Mr. P to pick a # for a giveaway,and got the same look :) Congrats to Courtneysews!

  3. Tell Hunny He picked the wrong number.. Really it should have been SimpleSews's.. LOL, have a nice weekend.


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