
Monday, October 22, 2012

W is for Wonderful

While I was away, my partner Maria, a/k/a MollyJolly, finished my partner's first initial quilt.  What a fun little quilty it is.  Of course, she included the letter "W".  It was only after I mailed my little quilt that I thought about quilting it with "M's" or putting an "M" cloud in it.  Ah well...

So this is a story about a Witch with a Wart on her nose.  Notice that she has a magic Wand...  Apparently the witch was worried because her wart was getting smaller, and she was afraid no one would find her attractive without her wart, so she was in a rush to get married.

Or, as Maria tells it...

The wicked witch was lonely and feared her beauty was fading - her wrinkles were growing and a wart on her nose kept shrinking - if she didn't find someone soon, it would be completely gone.  How could a witch with no "beauty mark" attract a man?  

Luckily, she met a werewolf and they hit it off!  What you see on your mini quilt is the wedding scene.  Willy Wonka officiated, and Wonder Woman and a White elephant witnessed.  It was a beautiful ceremony, with wine and wedding cake, wisteria, a weeping willow, water, a wishing well, and some wild flowers setting the scene.  Guests had weiners to celebrate, but the witch played a mean trick on Willy - that's his wallet lying on the ground beneath her new groom's feet.

She became engaged to the Werewolf.  Willy Wonka (whose Wallet you see on the ground there BTW) is to perform the ceremony.

Wonder Woman and the Wolf whippett, with the Wishing Well in the background, attend the wedding.  (I'm not sure what W words are there in the flowers and the other details in this part of the scene.  Ideas?)

There is Wisteria on the Wall.  The White elephant looks on.  And of course, there is a spider Web on the wall. 

There is a Weeping Willow and Water in this view.

And what would a wedding be without a Wedding cake and a bottle of Wine.  It looks like they're having beef Wellington weiners as a main course for the wedding supper.  And is that a Weasel I see?  I'm not sure what the other animal is, or the round item...  That's a wombat stealing a watermelon...

Are you ready to see the whole little quilt?

Here it is!  I've been having a marvelous time discovering all the W words in this little quilt.  As you can see, I haven't identified them all yet.  It has been great fun.

Thanks, Maria, for a Wonderful little quilt.

1 comment:

  1. The yellow flowers are wildflowers (I tried to pick a bunch for the bride but that didn't work), and the purple is wisteria. And Wonder Woman's pal is actually a whippet. In my head, I kept calling it a greyhound since my MIL and FIL have 3 of the giant beasts that they call pets!

    And the other small animal is a wombat stealing a watermelon . . . this was actually a suggestion made by my husband. Thanks for taking so many wonderful photos! I only grabbed the ones for the sneaky peeks and of course the finished project, but was anxious to get your quilt to you. So glad you like it! :)


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