
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Northwest Florida Snowman {Mug Rug}

I belong to a Flickr swap group called Rugs With Friends.  We are paired up and make each other a seasonal mug rug every couple of months or so, with different partners for each season.

Awhile back, I received this fun mug rug from Mary.  He's a Texas snowman - you can tell by his hat.

Receiving him convinced me that I wanted to go with the idea that had been rolling around in my brain for a couple of months, just waiting for a chance to get out.  A Northwest Florida snowman.

To be honest, it's not an original idea - Stampin Up! had a stamp similar to this several years ago in a cute little set called "Thanks Snow Much!"  But the idea was too fun to pass up.  When my kids were little - I think they may have been 10, 8, and 2 - we woke up one Valentine's Day morning to *SNOW*ON*THE*GROUND!!!!!  I actually broke a cardinal rule in our family - never wake a sleeping child - and woke the kids up, got them dressed in the few warm items we could find, and hurried them outside to enjoy the moment.

And a moment was about all there was.  We went for a walk and then hurried to build a snowman in the front yard.  This is what he looked like by about noon.  But we had a blast anyway and it made a wonderful memory. 

My partner said she laughed when she opened the package and saw him for the first time.

I think that's a success!


  1. That is such a clever idea. I was wondering what the FL snowman was going to look like.

  2. I love it! He must have been fun to make.

  3. LOL Mug Rug looks fabulous...I just love him..

  4. ...and I love him too! I have him out where I can see him every day and he still makes me laugh.

  5. This is just adorable! Love the idea for my non-winter climate family...


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