
Monday, December 31, 2012

Swooning... The Big Reveal

 Well, Christmas is over and after more hours in airports and cars than I wish to count, we are home again.  I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, surrounded by family and friends.  Our whole family was together this year, which seems to be more rare as time passes, and we had a wonderful time.  What a blessing to be able to enjoy the holidays with those we love.

Now that the presents have been opened, I can show you the project that pretty much consumed all of December. 

Twelve more swoon blocks to make a king size quilt/bedspread/comforter.

Have you made these blocks?  Do you find they are really time-consuming?  They seem to take me forever and I just can't seem to make them go any faster.  They take me about an hour and a half to two hours each.

BD #1 and I have been waffling for 6 months because Lark is beautiful, but it's just so BUSY!  I finally took all of my Lark blocks into my FQS one Friday night, pulled about 40 bolts of fabric, and made the workers help me choose combinations.

But I really like the quilt top, now that it's together. Even the blocks I didn't really like look great once they're all together.

Once the blocks were made, putting the top together was a piece of cake.

So now she's off to the fabulous Sarah to be quilted, back to my house to be bound, and then on to BD#1's bed, to take the place of the quilt I made her 5 or 6 years ago. 

AND, I made HSTs from all the flying geese in these blocks, so I'm pretty sure there's another Lark quilt in my future.  (And that may explain why these blocks took me so long,,,)

And now it's nearly midnight on New Year's Eve - I wish everyone a healthy, happy and quilty 2013!


  1. Wow, that really turned out stunning. :O I really love the black and blue one!

  2. lovely swoon blocks! I have not made any but everyone who has says they are time consuming. I like QUICK! Happy New Year to you

  3. They look great!I wanted to make the Swoon quilt but never got around to it :( but yours looks fantastic!

  4. Great job. I've only made one Swoon block and it took me forever. After seeing all of your blocks, I know I want to get back to Swooning. Can't wait to see your finished quilt. Happy New Year!

  5. Beautiful blocks, can't wait to see it all put together :D

  6. Those blocks are all gorgeous. I can't wait to see it all quilted.

  7. Your Swoon blocks look so beautiful in the Lark fabric!

  8. I made these blocks from a kit my sister-in-law purchased. It was beautiful when done, but each one DID take an extremely long time to complete-each was about 17" finished, and I swear that the scale of the block increased my "inaccuracy" 10 fold. I WOULD do it again, just in a smaller finished size. btw, yours is gorgeous !


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