
Monday, February 25, 2013

HR FQ Giveaway - A Winner (and a Loser)

I have to apologize for the tardiness of this post.  I had promised that I would pick a winner on Sunday, but the prsd4tim2 household was taking turns feeling a little (lot) under-the-weather yesterday and it just didn't happen.

I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments about what makes the perfect tote bag.  Everyone seems to agree that pockets are the Number One Thing, followed by straps, and then other random and/or innovative details.  I will be doing an update of my 1-Hour FQ Tote on Leona's blog in two or three weeks, and I plan to incorporate many of your suggestions, so thank you all for your input.

By the way, if you like Tula Pink, Leona is giving away some OOP fabric this week.  When you finish here, why not hop on over and enter her bloggy giveaway???

And now, it's time to pick a winner of the super fun Heather Ross Crafty Chloe fabrics...

True Random Number Generator 96 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Well, I never have figured out how to get the little widget thingy to work, but this was my first pick.  And wouldn't you know, #96 is Debbie, who is a no-reply blogger, isn't a follower, and didn't leave an email address.  Thanks for stopping by, Debbie, but you may want to adjust your email and privacy preferences, or leave an email addy in your comment.  I'm sorry I can't give you this yummy fabric because I don't have a way to contact you.

So, as promised, I'm off to pick another winner...

True Random Number Generator 70 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
And #70 is Jessica, of the Quilty Habit blog.  I'm so excited I actually have a winner!  Yay!

I think the perfect tote bag needs a pocket somewhere!

And Jessica seems to echo everyone's first choice in tote bag perfection.

So thank you to everyone who entered.  I'm off to email Jessica now.

Be sure you stay tuned - I'll let you know when the Tote Bag Perfection post will appear on Leona's blog.


It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!