
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy International Quilting Day

Today is International Quilting Day.  I had such big plans for today, but honestly, the most quilty thing I did all day was go to JoAnn's and buy $3.42 worth of rick rack for a project I'm working on.  There are many things on the to-do-list, but the husband was home, and since he leaves again tomorrow, it seemed as if spending time with him was the better choice. So, tomorrow, I'm planning to be back at the sewing machine.

This promises to be a great week as I hope to hang out with Leona as she heads to the Florida Panhandle on a business trip, and Marcy, for my first experience with a long-arm quilting machine.  I have a couple quilts, a couple of pillows, a table runner, some napkins, and a whole bunch of bags and totes on the agenda for this week.  Hopefully I will be able to accomplish a lot this week.

It seems that I am happiest when I have a needle of some sort in my hand.  I love to see a project come together.  I love to play with colors and fabrics and textures.  I love the feeling of accomplishment when I finally complete a project.  So, I'm off to make my list for next week.

Meanwhile, I hope you spent some quality quilty time on this International Quilting Day. 

And if you are "sew" inclined, leave me a comment and tell me what you are working on, or what it is about quilting that brings you joy.  I'd love to hear.

And I'm linking up with Sew Cal Gal's International Quilting Day linky party.  Come sew with us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, shopping for quilty stuff is still a great way to celebrate International Quilting Day. I just wish I had known you were going to JoAnns as I'd have asked you to pick up some rickrack for me too! LOL!



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