
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

13 in 2013 - April goal

I'm working on the binding for my granny squares quilt.  Finishing it up was my goal for April in A Lovely Year of Finishes on Flickr.

photo by Westwood Acres

I had debated about the binding until I saw this print in Amanda's "Stripes That Bind" bundle in her shop when I was visiting last week.  They're all so pretty!  I knew this print was just the thing.  And I have 9 lovely stripey prints left to make other bindings if I want.  Or, maybe I'll make a quilt with them.  Wouldn't they be pretty as HST's with a collection of solids???  I think I'm drooling.

And this print is finishing up my granny quilt just as nicely as I thought it would.  I love that it looks like it's cut on the bias - but it's printed that way!  Saved me a ton of work and a ton of fabric.  I also love that it pulls out so many of the colors in the grannies themselves.  See how great it looks with the yellow Bella solid backing?

I think I'm in love!  Again!

Oh, and in other news...  you can now follow prsd4tim2 on


  1. Bias stripes are my hands-down fave for binding! I love the stripe you chose!

  2. I have not used stripes for a binding, but always wanted to, and seening yours I will have to try it. But lordy I just cannot seem to do bias cuts, I cannot wrap my mine around it and I know it is not that hard. I just have to try it.

  3. Great choice for the binding! Looks great, can't wait to see it all!

  4. Love strippy binding! What a great bundle!


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