
Thursday, May 2, 2013

13 in 2013 - May Goal

I'm doing pretty well on my quest to complete 13 WIPs in 2013.  So far, with four months of the year gone, I have finished four projects from "The List".

In addition, I am making good progress on the quilt that at the beginning of the year I really considered to be a BHAG.  To actually sew more than 80 blocks together, all by hand, seemed a really impossible task.  But with the help of a very good friend, who has made countless little yellow hexies and more flowers than I have, I think, I am getting very close.  But this one is still too far off to make my goal for the month of May.

 A couple of years ago (yes that long!), I received some blocks in the 3x6 bee in some of my favorite colors.

 I played along several more times and received even more blocks...  A total of 24 26 in fact.

So my goal for May is to actually make this baby into a quilt....  Or maybe two.  There's nothing sadder than blocks just sitting in the WIP pile.  And nothing more satisfying than to see those blocks in a finished quilt that can speak warmth and love and beauty...

Yup!  It will feel great to get this done!


  1. I love the red and aqua colour scheme and look forward to seeing something yummy at the end of the month!

  2. Nice goal, I too have blocks sitting around. I love the red and aqua blocks and look forward to more of them being revealed in the final quilt. The grandmother's flower garden is perfectly lovely too!

  3. You have some really fantastic projects going there - I look forward to seeing your finishes! :)


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