
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Coming Along

My new space is coming along.  I have sorted, stashed and stored, and I've found the floor.  It's not very exciting or beautiful yet.   In fact, it still looks a little stark, doesn't it?  I got the blinds up, but not the curtains - yet.   I'm not sure about keeping the bed in there (see the frame in the foreground?) and until I decide, I don't want to make any holes in my freshly painted walls.  But it's starting to be useful.  WH didn't feel well yesterday, so we didn't get the other machine in there.  The wall mount for the computer monitor hasn't come yet.  So there's plenty still to be done.  In fact, after I took the first photo I realized that the step stool and the vacuum were still in the middle of the floor.  Oops. 

I'm sure it will get there.  I'm excited to put my treasures on the walls...  I have so many beautiful minis, buntings, hoops and mug rugs, I'm excited to have a place to display them.  This was all the wall space I had in the "breakfast nook".  But there's so much more to display...

So I really need to make up my mind soon.  The good thing about keeping the bed is having a place to display all the pillows...  But it does take up a lot of room.  I'm undecided at this point.

I went in the room yesterday with the intention to sew, but I have to admit that I didn't feel very creative.  I sometimes felt that it was a miracle that I could sew at all in the old space, it was so crowded.  I decided that I just needed to make something so I got busy on a project that has been planned for awhile.  The fabric (I know you can't see it - sorry) is a jelly roll of Santorini by Lila Tueller, which was a gift from my quilty friend Leona, who has kindly shared her fabric stash with me lately (although WH thinks I have enough fabric - one of the drawbacks of the open shelves in the new space, I imagine.)

Inspired by this quilt by Faye, who is a member of our guild, the quilt will sort of resemble stacked books on a shelf.  I think it will be fun when I get it done.  So far, I only have the circles made, which honestly is going to complicate the layout a lot, but at least I got some sewing done. 

This will get better, won't it?


  1. of course it will! Maybe a chair instead of the bed for your pillows? I know I have a pull out sofa in mine & sometimes it's just too much. I took all of my special minis and hung them around near the ceiling like a wallpaper border & I love having them there! Have fun with your new room

  2. It will! :) But I already love the room, it will be stunning once it´s fully done and fully "you"! I love seeing all your treasures! :) And sure hope I can add to that wall soon ;) xoxo

  3. It's coming along just great. It's nice to have a whole room to show off your lovely quilty things! Take your time pulling it together and it will be beautiful.

  4. It's hard to share a space and feel creative. But think how you will have that bed to use to lay out a quilt top on to see if it looks right, is large enough, or needs tweaking. I am lucky to have a room dedicated to sewing, but I had to wait till all the kids moved out so I could take over a bedroom. I like my space and I have a hard time adding any furniture in there, it makes me feel something is invading my space, I don't even keep a computer in there.

  5. Your room is looking great! Nice to have all your fabric so you can see it. Did you find anything new? hehe. Can't wait to see everything when you're done. Your own little piece of Heaven ;-)


  6. Well by keeping the bed you would have somewhere to display the quilts as you make them. Otherwise how about replacing the bed with a settee that converts to a bed. Still ok for displaying your pillows and quilts. Hugs Mrs a.


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