
Saturday, August 17, 2013

{Another} Sewing Room Update

I am happy to report that the sewing room is finally making progress!  I am really starting to get excited.  It is beginning to be a place I really enjoy.  And before I go any further, let me apologize in advance for the poor photo quality.  The lighting in most of the room is really bad, and it shows. 

As you can see, I got most of my books moved from their random locations {all over the house} and consolidated in the bookshelf.  (And honestly, if this bookshelf still looks messy, I should have taken a "before" picture so you can see just how far it has come!)

I also got all my downloaded and hand drawn patterns organized into the two binders you see on the bottom shelf.  I had them in plastic folders and manilla envelopes, but they were just too hard to find.  This way, I just open the binder and flip through the plastic page protectors to find the patterns I want.  I think this is really going to work well for me.

I got all my scraps sorted by color and into their respective drawers in the plastic carts.

All three of my scrap bins are E.M.P.T.Y.  Can I just say how good that feels???  I see a really scrappy quilt (or two...  or three...) in my future.

I finally moved my thread rack from the old sewing room to the new one and got the spools hung.  They are sorted by color now...  Wonder how long that will last?  I had hoped that the thread would disguise the ugly cords hanging down from the wall monitor but they seem to have a mind of their own, don't they?  I may have to put some tape or brackets at the baseboard to keep them in line.

And best of all, I was able to hang a bunch of my mini quilts, mug rugs, and even one of the pennants!  It makes the room look so festive now.  I doubt the arrangement will stay like this, but since I only put them up with push pins, it won't be much trouble to move them around.  Once I get the shelves up on the other wall, I can arrange them again.  But for now, they are on display and they make me happy, so I'm excited!

Sadly, the weather here has been rainy and wet the last couple of days, and that doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon.  This is not the day to be playing with power tools outside, so I doubt WH will get the board cut for my cutting/ironing surface.  But for now, I'm really happy with the progress we've made.


  1. It looks really good to me-very organized and pretty. If only mine looked half as neat!

  2. I use the binder and page protector trick too. I also take my magazines and rip out the pattern or photo I want and put those in the page protector / binder configuration and toss the magazines. I can't stand having all those magazines around! It always feels good to get some good organizing going on!

  3. That's my system for patterns that I make or print. I've had to move to two binders because they don't all fit in one, so I separated the patterns into clothing in one binder and general crafts in another. Your room looks cheerful and pretty with the minis hanging on the wall.


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