
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dressed for Success

In addition to the quilty madness around here lately, I have had some fun making dresses for Abby.  Her mama, as you may know, owns a fabric shop, and so while I was there in July, she handed me some fabric and told me to get to work.  Abby was really excited to know that Grandma was working on something just for her, and must have asked me a hundred times if I was done.  It was fun making little girl dresses - easy peasy and so fresh and fun.  I had forgotten how much I enjoyed sewing for little people.

I finished two dresses while I was there (you can read all about it here)...

And brought a third one home to finish.  Apparently, the flower and ribbons have now become a fairy wand and can work magic....

And although I didn't take a picture of dress #4, Her mama sent me a photo of her wearing the dress...

And she's playing with the dress in the video above.  Is she not just the cutest???!!  (Ok, I'm maybe a bit prejudiced...)

But then I decided that her little brother shouldn't be left out, so I made him a pair of shorts and added matching trim to a purchased onesie in his size, but it seemed a little...  plain.

So I went to Google Images and found a line drawing of a fire truck...

Got out the wonder under and did a little applique, added some buttons for the tires...

And a super cool button for the "flashing lights"...

And Britton had a new outfit too.

That was fun!  I think I need to do more sewing like that!


  1. Oh .... so cute. I love sewing for little ones too.

  2. those kiddos are so so lucky! Great work grandma!

  3. Those are great. I especially love the grey dress and the truck!!

  4. Really cute clothing Wendi! (and adorable grandkids!)


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