
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I'm on Stash Match Today!!

A couple of months ago, my friend Ali invited me to play along on her monthly Stash Match feature.  She sent me the above fabric swatch and asked me to dive into my stash and see what fabrics I might put with it.  The swatch she chose is Koi Ebb and Flow in Multi by the fabulous Rashida Coleman Hale.

I have to admit that I really struggled with this assignment.  Wow!  Talk about pressure.  I played with it two or three times and then hid it away again in the back of my mind.  Then, the day of the deadline, I woke up in the night in a panic that I not only hadn't sent Ali my fabrics, I hadn't really made much progress on the assignment.  So, in a middle-of-the-night frenzy I tore apart all my precious bundles, delved into all of my hiding places, and came up with a stack that I'm pretty happy with.

Here are the rules for choosing the fabrics for my stack:
1)  Stack must have at least 10 fabrics, no more than 20
2)  Each piece must be at least a Fat Eighth (no tiny scraps!)
3)  No buying new fabric specifically for this

I think I did OK, but it was stressful.  Ali said I should give you some hints about my Stack, so here goes...

1)  Don't let the fact that I dislike gray fool you - I know when it works!
2)  "Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride."  John F. Kennedy
3)  I was well-trained in fabric stacking by a certain etsy shop proprietor that just happens to be related to me, although it's not exactly to her standards (but in my own defense, it was very late at night early in the morning.)

Well, I hope that helps.

You know, Ali has a prize up for grabs, so head on over there and check it out.  Good luck!


  1. I really like that Koi Ebb and Flow. Looking forward to the reveal.

  2. Great hints! If I guessed right, then I am in LOOOVE with your stack :)


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