
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WIP Wednesday in a Week of {Wonderful} Distractions...

I have to admit that I've been a little distracted this week, and that not much quilty progress has been made.  I had a rare and wonderful visit from my daughter and son-in-law and the grands, and so quilty things moved down the priority list a ways.  It was great to have them visit, if only for a short while, and in fact, I'm a little mopey today, now that they're gone.  I'm missing them terribly - especially the little people.  They were so fun!

Although we only live about 8 miles from the beach, I seldom go.  I can honestly say that I've spent more time at the beach (and seen more HUGE jellyfish!) in the last 5 days than probably in the last 5 years. 

Besides the beach, I got to spend some quality time with the grands.  Their daddy's birthday was Monday, so I babysat while mommy and daddy went out for a little adults-only birthday dinner.  We laughed and read lots of stories and had a blast.  Britton even went to sleep on Grandma's lap - funny how the beach wears them out.  And Britton thinks my rendition of Goldilocks and the Three Bears is just hilarious.  Now THAT was pure joy!

I really meant to make some progress on my Starflower quilt, especially since the Starflower guru herself was here to give me an in-person tutorial, but I never did...

I did get some more of these made.  I have a total of 37 (out of 49) done.  I've developed a snazzy little chain piecing method that works for me and helps them go pretty fast...

And since we had a little after-the-kids-went-to-bed movie time, I worked on this project a little bit, and I feel like I have made a lot of progress.  I have this quilt top to the size I want it in width...  I think I have 2 rows to go in length until the top is finished.  Then I have to figure out how to quilt it.  Decisions...  Decisions...

My one finish for the week was The Woodland by the Lake II quilt I am making for my photography teacher.  I quilted it with Loops and Leaves, and I'm actually pretty excited about the quilting.

Loops and Leaves seemed appropriate for an outdoorsy sort of quilt, don't you think?

So that's it.  Maybe this week I'll get back in my groove.

But I'd rather be at the beach with the grands!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that actually sounds like a lot of progress! (But more importantly, did you enjoy it? Remember, we're not in this just to make progress. There are other measures of success besides progress.)


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