
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Home Again, Home Again, Fiddle-De-Dee

My gosh!  It has been nearly a month since I posted here, and we're now in the swing of the Christmas season.  I promise that I have a really good excuse!  Really! 

I've been playing with the kids and the grands.

They're really getting big.  And Grandma had a lot of fun.

It was wonderful...

and exhausting.

And then, just when it was time to go home, there was this....  Yup, that's my car.  Nope.  I didn't drive in that stuff.  It snowed for 24 hours straight.

This is the second day.  The snow was at least 8 inches deep.

Lovely to look at, but...

Very, very cold.  I left for the airport and it was -7* F

And arrived home in my Ugg boots and 3 or 4 layers of sweaters (after 20+ years in Florida, I don't own winter clothes any more).

So, there you have it, the story of my Thanksgiving vacation.  In between, I caught a cold, ate lots of turkey and lots of pie, laughed and played with the grands, and the kids, made a quilt top, and even

Helped out a bit in the shop on Black Friday.

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving too.

1 comment:

  1. so glad you got time with the little ones! and welcome home!


It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!