
Saturday, February 1, 2014

January - It's a Wrap! (a 14 in 2014 update)

This strange month that was January, 2014 is finally over, and I can't say I'm sorry to see it go.  Looking back, my overall impression of the month is C-O-L-D.  I know I'm being a whiny baby, but we just don't get cold like that here in Northwest Florida very often, and I'm just not prepared for it any more - emotionally or otherwise.

But it hasn't been without its upside, and after spending the first half of the month with my head stuck in my Kindle, I finally got some motivation to get back in the sewing room and finished two quilts for my 14 in 2014 goal. 

The first was the Starflower quilt that I started last August.  The fabric is Beechwood Park by Janene Morrison, and the pattern is by my very own Amanda, whom you may know as A Crafty Fox or the owner of Westwood Acres Fabrics.  Having some tutoring in spray basting at the quilt guild meeting last month really helped push this one along.  My friend Marcy, who is an amazing long-arm quilter, was kind enough to suggest some quilting designs, and so I was really inspired to get quilting when I got home from the meeting.

I'm hoping it will be warm and dry today so I can head out to the park and get some "after" photos today.  If so, I will share them soon.

Here's a "before" picture of the other January 14 in 2014 finish.  This one I affectionately call the "Circles" quilt, although it's official name is "Spot On".  The fabric is Juggling Summer by Zen Chic, but I always think of it as more of an autumn color mix. 

And here's the "before" back.  (Yup, I've cut off all the little dangling pieces now!)

And this one is now quilted and bound and folded, and looking pretty on the shelf.

Come on, February, warm up!  I just haven't wanted to be outside at all.  Brrrr!  I need to get out and take pictures!

So, that's two of 14 finished in January.  Not a bad start, really.

Here is the list for 2014:

1.  Breath of Avignon  - no progress
2.  Basket Blocks  - no progress

3.  Citrus Quilt - no progress
4.  Single Girl - no progress

5.  Starflower - finished! January, 2014
6.  Modern Maples - no progress
7. Spot On - finished!  January, 2014
8.  Bookshelf Quilt - no progress
9.  Faux String Quilt - no progress
10.  Fat Quarter Shop Block of the Month Club quilt - no progress
11.  Grandmother's Flower Garden - no progress
12.  Shiny Brite - no progress
13.  Christmas Quilt - no progress
14.  2011 Craftsy BOM - no progress

Well, it was kind of discouraging writing "no progress" after all of those, but I'm trying to tell myself that finishing two quilts in January wasn't a bad start.

In addition to the 14 in 2014 quilts, I made:

 Two pillows to go with the Wallflowers quilt...

A quilt for the Riley Blake MQG Basics Challenge...

And two adorable little pin cushions.

Not a bad start to the year, I think.

How was your January? 


  1. your stuff is just beautiful! I think your goal is great, too! Also... I agree! This Florida weather sucks. I don't mind the cold so much as the cold with rain. Bleh, that is awful. Everyone morning almost its 40 or 50 and raining and first thing Im trudging to the bus stop with my kiddos. YUCKY!

  2. great start! I had a good start to the year too. It's all come to a screeching halt though as we have bought a new house & I am packing everything up and getting ready to sell this one.... eek!

  3. Wow! You were super productive by my standards!! Beautiful quilts!

  4. Yes. Beautiful quilts. Starfleet is gorgeous. So impressed. For my January, I learned I need to practice my sewing more, especially my 1/4 inch seam. I am much better at hand sewing thats for sure. Can't wait to see what February holds for you!

  5. Beautiful work!!!! For me january was productive too. I don't have count of things, but I hand quilt constantly for piecing orders and trying to machine quilt in there once in awhile!! I am about to finish the third hand quilted quilt in a few days. And move on to the next.....


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