
Monday, February 24, 2014

Yellow and Purple and Gray - Oh my!

I know I shouldn't complain because I'm sure there are folks in really cold places this February morning that are much worse off than I, but even though it's 60 degrees outside, I'm freezing.  I wasn't really aware of it though until the sun broke through the clouds and warmed me up, and once it went behind the clouds again, I decided I was really cold.   Nothing to do then but grab a sweater and a quilt (heaven knows there is no shortage of quilts around here) and sit down and tell you about my latest project before I manage to get up and start my day.

I decided to try another Newtown Auction pillow this weekend from the tutorial by Let's Eat Grandpa.  This particular one was inspired by a photo on Flickr by This Crafty Fox ~ Tiffany. 

I've tried this technique a couple of times before, and this is my best effort so far.  The first one I threw away....  The second one became a journal cover.

This one didn't turn out too badly.  And they're getting easier.  The technique isn't difficult, but it is deceptively time consuming.  Of course, the trick is to cover all the raw edges, which sometimes isn't as easy as one might think.  Some pieces end up almost entirely covered, so while it looks like you can use teeny scraps, the truth is - not so much.

And for me, at least, it's a fairly messy process as I dig through my scraps.

{The good news is that the pillow was made entirely from scraps, and we all know that makes me feel amazingly THRIFTY = something-for-nothing!}

The palette is so totally NOT me that it was a real challenge.  While there are a lot of yellows in my scraps, not so much with the purple and gray.  And I really had to dig through the stash to find the Sleeping Beauty print from Far Far Away II that I knew was buried there somewhere.  {Note to self:  I really need to do some rearranging in there to make things more accessible.}

And while I was at it, I decided to make a matching mug rug.  This went a lot faster, probably due to its size.

So that was some of my weekend sewing.

Now I'm off to finish a couple of things before my daughter comes to visit tomorrow.  So excited!


  1. The colours are very eye popping but it all so works together. Hugs Mrs A.

  2. enjoy the visit! this is lovely

  3. Ooooh I love the colors together! :D That purple is just what it needed. :) Are you going to enter it into the pantone challenge?

    I've made one of those before, and you're right, it's a time sucker. But at least you don't have to quilt it when you're done! ;)

  4. I love this! I am going to look up this tutorial. Always the things that are worth the effort are detailed and time consuming. This was definitely worth your effort!


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