
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

14 in 2014 - March Goals

If February was crazy, March promises to be equally so.  Youngest daughter is here for another week (yay!) so I know I will be doing lots of playing.  We have plans for field trips almost every day, including a trip to the nearest outlet mall, a trip to the local mall, and educational visit with a friend to learn about Photoshop Elements, and lunch with another friend.  The next week, WH is on Spring Break, and the following week I will be watching oldest daughter's children so she and her WH can go away for a few days.  Whew!  I'm tired just thinking about it.

Nevertheless, I do want to make some progress on my 14 in 2014 project.  Since this Avignon Picnic quilt is all basted, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that I might actually get it quilted.  That would be awesome!

And my Modern Maples is also basted and ready to quilt, so it shouldn't be too hard to get this one done either, right?

And if I get these two quilted (and bound, hopefully), I should only have one quilt a month to actually complete the 14 in 2014 challenge.

Wish me luck!

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