
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memorial Day - A Time to Remember and Appreciate

This weekend is a holiday in the U.S.  The start of summer.  School is letting out.  The weather is warming up.  The beaches are packed. 

Memorial Day.

Perhaps, like me, you've been seeing these photos crop up on Facebook and Instagram this weekend as reminders of what this weekend is really about.  The photos come from FB, but have passed around and shared so often that I have no idea who to credit.  This one is very familiar to me - it is a photo of Barrancas National Cemetery at Pensacola Naval Air Station. 

Or maybe you've seen this one.  It tugs at the heartstrings and reminds us of those who have given so much - and those who are left behind.

I am grateful to those who have worked so hard to make this country free, and to help us keep the freedoms we enjoy.  I'm married to one of those people.  For 23 years he served his country faithfully.  And the rest of us were along for the ride.  I'm grateful that he served. 

And I'm grateful he's still here beside me, some 38 years later.

So today, I'm reflecting on some of the things I take for granted that these courageous men and women have worked so hard to preserve for me - for all of us:

The privilege of worshiping my God according to the dictates of my own conscience.  How grateful I am that I don't live in a society that restricts my freedom to worship.  And as a corollary to that, the privilege of teaching my children what I believe, without interference. 

The privilege I have of speaking my mind about things that are important to me, whether or not society agrees with me.  Some of these I maybe only express in FB "Likes", but they are no less important for all of that.

The amazing bounty of our country.  Even though prices seem very high to me, there is still an amazing variety and quantity of goods available, from foods to technology of every kind.  (And fabric, of course.  Lots of fabric.)

The gift I have, however temporary, of being able to spend my days doing something I love.  There was a time when I had a job I loved, but things changed, and the job I loved became just a job.  And then there was no job.  But right now, at this time in my life, I have the privilege of spending my days any way I choose.  I often quilt or read or do something else, but the fact is that I have a choice, and having a choice is wonderful.

My family.  I am so grateful for each of them, and the joy they bring into my life. 

To say "Thank you" to these men and women that serve our country seems so inadequate, and yet, it's all I have.  So to you who are serving - and who have served - I say a most grateful "Thank you."

Perhaps then, as we celebrate this weekend, it would be fitting to take a moment to think of things we are grateful for, and say a little prayer for those who are serving their country, perhaps even in harm's way, so the rest of us can enjoy these blessings. 


  1. Thank you so much for your thoughts. Very well said! God bless you.


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