
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

{Scrappy} Trip Around the World

The Scrappy Trip Quilt has come back from the quilter and made its way back to be bound before it goes off to live with its owner.  This is one of the quilts I made Leona as part of our great bargain.  Yesterday, before the hubs left for Tallahassee I managed to get him to hold it for long enough to get its picture taken - at 84 x 84 it's too big for the fence!  He wasn't exactly patient, however, so I didn't have much of a chance to get creative. 

Leona chose all dots from her stash in bright, fun colors, and they look stunning in this setting, don't they?  I don't have nearly this many dots in my stash, but the temptation is strong to go dot shopping and make myself one just like it!  I really love how bold and bright these colors are together.

I think one of really fun things about the way this quilt goes together is how it looks like it's done on the diagonal, but in reality the blocks are square.  Bonnie Hunter's method for putting this quilt together is genius!

This is one quilt I'll be sorry to drop into the mailbox.  


  1. Love your Scrappy Round the World quilt......

  2. Looks amazing! Makes me wanna go and make more blocks so I can my 2nd one done! Too bad I have too much other stuff I need to get done right now!


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