
Friday, July 11, 2014

Grandma Time!

My poor little blog has been terribly neglected as I have been in Utah watching the grands while their mommy and daddy are in Europe!  We've been having a blast, although I have to admit that it is a tiring business, this chasing little children, and I've been dropping into bed as soon as they are in bed most nights.  The above pic was from the Provo Independence Day parade. It was super fun, but blistering hot, and we were all a little droopy when it was over. 

My son who lives in SLC and his girlfriend joined us, and were a huge help with these little people. 

We came back to the house, watched soccer and had an indoor picnic, as it was too hot to eat outside!

Finally, when it was cool enough, we headed to the park for a little play time!

Their subdivision has a lovely park situated in the center, and it is the perfect spot for a little before-bed wind-down!

Saturday we met again at City Creek mall in SLC and had lunch and the kids played on the splash pad!  They had a blast.  Once again Sean and Jessica were a huge help, and grandma even managed to do a little shopping, as Gymboree was having a big sale, and what grandma can resist one of those??  Sadly, none of us took pictures of the littles playing in the splash pad.  =(

One evening we went to Provo Town Center and played on the Carousel...

And I think the smiles indicate how much fun we had.

We followed it up with dinner and milkshakes at Red Robin.  Yummmm!! 

Abby comes in most mornings, and I get the most delicious cuddles.  And Britton is especially cuddly after his nap.  I have to admit, those are some of my most-favorite times with these two.  So sweet!

Sometimes, though, I wear them out.  LOL!

But we are not totally devoid of quilty stuff.  I've been working in the shop and trying not to make too many mistakes.  And Abby and I have been working on a quilt.  She worked so hard on the layout!  It was fun to observe the intensity of her concentration.

And yesterday we drove back to SLC and had dinner with Uncle Sean and then to the park nearby to play and feed the ducks!

It's been super fun to get some quality time with these fun little people!  

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It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!