
Monday, September 22, 2014

The End of June... A Berry Fine Retrospective

Today, I thought I'd start to tell you about my summer, since I promised and all.  The weekend before I left for Utah, my youngest daughter came for a short visit.  One of the things she always likes to do in the spring is pick blueberries.  This year, possibly because of our amazingly cold winter, the blueberries lasted a lot later into the summer than usual, so we were able to pick blueberries at the end of June.

We got up early to avoid the heat and headed out into the country.

Along the way, we stopped for a little pre-4th of July donut action.  How better to celebrate our country's independence?

This little girl just had to have her picture taken.  She was waiting in the shelter while her mom picked berries.

There were lots of lovely flowers bordering the berry field.

And some sunflowers standing as sentinels.

And even a visitor or two.

And honestly, my sweet girl can look adorable anywhere, doing anything, don't you think?

It was a wonderful day spent with my little sweetheart (well, actually, she's a grown, married woman, but I'm a mom, after all.)


It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!