
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

On the First Day of Summer...

The 2014-2015 school year is over.  My first year of teaching is finished.  This year, I taught English to some 150+ students for approximately 9-1/2 months.  Whew!  And for the first time in my adult life I have a "summer break".  I am sure I am at least as excited as my students!  It has been a memorable - and at times overwhelming - year.  I learned a lot - more than my students perhaps.  I had to think about things I hadn't thought about in years - like participles and literary devices and run-on sentences....  I read and taught Hamlet, Macbeth, Beowulf, Canterbury Tales (so fun!) and a lot of other stuff that was not so fun.  I had to learn how to keep order amidst a classroom of sometimes-rowdy students and try to motivate my anxious-to-be-finished seniors to complete the requirements necessary to pass English - the graduation they were so anxious to accomplish in jeopardy as they thought they saw the end of their high school careers looming so very close.

And now it is over. 


Whatever shall I do with it?

Oh, the possibilities!!!!

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