
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Hello Again!

Hello again!  It's been awhile - almost 5 years to be exact.  I want to scream "I'm ba-ack!" in some kind of singsong voice, but really, I'm not sure if that will do.  I feel like I have some things I want to record during this COVID hiatus,  this weird period in history.  Certainly there have been plagues before, but not in recent memory.

I quit blogging because I just didn't have time.  As the school year began in 2015, I was just beginning my second year, and as the naif I was, I thought I would get to teach what I had so enjoyed teaching the first year - Senior English.  Hamlet and Beowulf and so many other wonderful pieces of literature.  But no.  I was assigned to teach 11th and 12th grade reading - which really means I was teaching students who would not graduate unless they passed the state test.  And I had no idea what I was doing.  Teaching reading is not the same as teaching literature.  I was in over my head.

And then not blogging just went on so long, I never seemed to find the time or motivation to get back to it.  And blogging seemed to go out of style. I stopped reading blogs unless it was a tutorial or something specific.  But this year, it just seems like I want to write on the blog again.  Maybe I'll have something to say, or something pretty to show, or maybe I'll tell you about some of our travels in prior years, which I always meant to do anyway (and who knows if we can ever do them again?). And maybe someone will read it, and I'll make a new friend.  Or maybe we can share social distancing via the internet.  Who knows?  Anyways, here I am.

This is pretty much what my classroom has looked like for the last two months.  Desks empty.  Books not being read.  Things on the walls, but no one to look at them.  I've actually been home about 9 weeks, doing what we're all calling remote teaching.  Like so many teachers, I had no idea when I left that Friday for Spring Break it would be months until I came back, or that I wouldn't see my students again.  I didn't even bring my computer home, because I was determined not to work during the break.  This had been such a stressful year from the beginning, and I was so relieved for a chance to get recharged.  And I had been sick for 4 weeks with a miserable, grueling case of bronchitis. 

Remote teaching.  I'm not sure how much actual teaching is getting done.  It's more like shepherding kids to the end of the school year.  Certainly not as robust as the things I had planned.  But in one short week The. World. Changed.  Everyone is struggling.  I am fortunate that our income has remained steady.  I am grateful.  Another thing I'm grateful for is that I am a true introvert.  I love being home.  I have plenty of hobbies to keep me busy.  It was probably about 5 weeks before I really thought, "You know, I'm getting a little stir crazy being home all the time."  At that point, I could probably count on my fingers the number of times I had left my house, and most of those I didn't get out of the car - the drive-thru at Walgreen's, the occasional McDonald's soda, a take-out meal or two. 

But, honestly, enough is enough.  People can't stay home forever.  And people are really suffering:  many have lost their jobs and so are without income, prices are rising, people's lives are just... different.  Totally different.  I see that in my students and their families.  But over the weeks I have realized that if I can keep them reading and writing, they'll be OK for next year.  If you're a parent who's been home-schooling your kids for 9 weeks, they'll be OK too.  Keep them reading and writing and exploring the back yard.  They'll be fine.  Not all learning occurs in a classroom.

So here we are.  I have a few blog posts planned.  I hope you'll like them.  I hope you'll join me.

All the best!


It is never fun to write into a vacuum. I would love to know you were here, so stop and say hi!