
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Raincoat for Willa

I took oldest granddaughter to Joann's for fabric for her annual grandma-and-me project, and we ended up picking out a pattern for her American Girl doll that included this adorable dolly raincoat.  When we got home, the littlest granddaughter decided her Willa doll needed a raincoat.  The problem with Willa, who is a Wellie Wishers American Girl doll, is that there aren't many patterns for clothes for her, perhaps because she is fairly new. 

Thank goodness for Pinterest.  I had a fairly long hiatus from Pinterest but reconnected to look for doll clothes.  As I was perusing Pinterest the other day I found a post which led to Rosie's blog where she told how to resize regular American Girl patterns for Wellie Wishers dolls.  I made a quick trip to FedEx and resized the pattern.  I decided to try it first with a scrap of Kona cotton from my stash.  I chose this yummy apple green.

This pattern sews up easily and the pieces fit together nicely, which is a big plus for me when sewing doll clothes.  I was pretty happy with the results.  Resizing 18" American Girl doll clothes at 65% for the 14-1/2" Wellie Wishers doll worked perfectly.  I had to add a bit of extra to the welt pockets and the collar to have an adequate seam allowance, but my first try turned out exactly right. 

E informed me that even though it looked like a raincoat, my first try was "just a jacket, Grandma," and she really wanted Willa to have a real raincoat.  Luckily, I had some scraps of oilcloth left from a previous project that turned out to be just enough to make an adorable "real" raincoat. 

Now oldest granddaughter needs a "real" raincoat for her Mary Ellen doll.  Guess I need to get on that soon.

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