
Monday, June 1, 2020

Good Friends/Fun Mail

My online friend and I were talking Barbie clothes and Harry Potter, and just having a great convo on IG.  As part of the conversation, I said I wished I had some Harry Potter fabric.  [I really don't know why I didn't buy some earlier, but I didn't.  I've been going through a phase where I'm trying to not buy more fabric.  (Don't ask how well that is going!)] And I don't remember whether it was the same convo or not, but this same IG friend mentioned the cutest HP social distancing shirt, and I decided that I really needed one to add to my teacher wardrobe. 

Anyway, I came home one afternoon, and there were not one but two wonderful packages on my favorite chair that had come in the mail  The first was an adorable mask made with Harry Potter fabric.  It's a different style than I make, but has the cutest Harrys, Rons and Hermiones on the front. 

Along with the mask was a wonderful selection of HP scraps.  I suddenly remembered that my school bag is nearly 6 years old and I really NEED to make a new one, and that these scraps would be perfect.  That naturally led to the conclusion that I must have more Harry Potter fabric.  Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much HP fabric to be had after the recent mask-making, fabric-buying Covid-19 frenzy, but I did find a few pieces, and my daughter found a few pieces at a Joann's store close to her.  She also apparently had a few pieces in her stash she offered to me but apparently forgot to bring.  But a plan for a new school bag is developing. 

The other package contained my new HP social distancing shirt.  LOOK at this shirt Susie ( made.  It is so perfectly timely!  I had so much fun wearing this the first teacher day we had to spend actually at school.  Some of the other teachers actually did a true double take, and then laughed. 

Here's the original Educational Decree #31 but we all know that in the Covid era, 8 inches isn't nearly enough.

It came with the cutest note that made me smile. 

She even made me a tote bag from the outtake (or what I call the weeding) of the vinyl.  That was so very thoughtful.  I don't think this tote will hold up to the weight of bringing a million papers home every day, but it will be great for the beach or other outings. 

Then, this past Saturday, I received a most unexpected package of fabric from my friend Leona.  Leona was my very first swap partner, way back in the Flickr heyday.   A few years ago she often made trips to the Florida panhandle and we would meet often and talk sewing and quilting and family and whatever, but unfortunately she hasn't been able to come this way in awhile.  She said that she saw that I had done a lot of charity sewing and she wanted to help out with some fabric.  That was just so kind.

So it's been a great week or so for mail.  Thank you Liiani, Susie, and Leona.  I am very grateful for friends to take the time to think of others and brighten the world a little, especially in these stressful times.  I need to take more time to think of how I can lift others and make someone smile.  Yesterday, in our home church, we sang a Primary song that goes like this:

I want to be kind to everyone
For that is right, you see.
So I say to myself, "remember this:
Kindness begins with me."

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