
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Annual Beach Pilgrimage

You would think, living as close to the beach as we do, that I would spend a lot of time there.  Nope.  I really hate sand, and the way it has of sneaking into EVERYTHING.  But my grands love the beach, and once a year, just before they leave, I make my annual beach pilgrimage.  Their mom tells them, "Grandma doesn't love the beach, but she loves you, so she comes to the beach with you every year."  She nailed it. 

This year, the littles were playing in the sand before I even got my beach chair set up. 

I don't have sunglasses, so B shared his with me. =)

I was afraid I had waited too long, because it rained all morning, but by afternoon, the sun came out, leaving the day cool and breezy - just perfect for me, in fact, although the storm left the waves too high for the kids to do more than get their feet wet.

Still, they had a great time, and spirits were high - at least with the youngest two. They built sand structures (I wouldn't exactly call them castles) and had a blast.

They shoveled and dug and had a glorious time.

And E buried B in the sand.  Of course she did!

We had a grand time, and stayed much longer than usual since it was so nice and cool.  A truly wonderful day at the beach - and it's rare for me to say that.


  1. It does look like a nice day at the beach. I feel the same way about the beach. I hate sand in everything and the sun and I do not agree on what color my skin should be. Mr. Sun prefers lobster red! Sigh.

    1. OH my, yes! I can't be out in the mid-day sun for 30 minutes without burning, no matter how much sunscreen I put on. But the late afternoon sun, with the lovely breeze was very pleasant. It kind of made me wonder why I don't do it more often. LOL


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