
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Metamorphosis Quilt

Another quilt I made recently was this Metamorphosis quilt by Lo and Behold Stitchery.  When I first saw the quilt on Instagram (in April maybe?), I was so excited about it, I had to go buy it immediately.  Naturally, it took me awhile to get started.  But finally, in July, I found this fun bundle of fabric I bought from Westwood Acres a few years ago and decided it was perfect for this quilt.  I used Kona Iced Peach for the background.

And then I heard that this was a tricky block to make, so I made a test block, which I seldom do.  This will likely become a pillow cover someday.  Voila! A butterfly.  (My husband says he thinks it looks like an hourglass, but what does he know?)

The curves play together nicely - I pin just the corners and the middle, since this is such a long curve.  i like to use my 1/4" foot with the guide on curves - it helps me make sure my seam allowance is exactly 1/4", which is important when you're sewing circles.

 The secret to this block is trimming the block exactly before you put it together.  Otherwise, the pieces don't fit and the block is wonky - and not in a good way.  If you're one that doesn't read instructions before you sew (raising hand,) this is one time you probably should.

There's not much room right at the center of the circle, and part of what is there gets trimmed off, but it does help make the block go together much better to have this little bit of excess.

I played with the layout a bit, both to make the quilt a bit more relaxed and because i wanted a larger quilt without giant borders.  I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out.  Now, to finish my HP blocks so I can get this baby quilted.

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