
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Family History Challenge - Day 10


This one is another ancestry dot com success story. My mother-in-law is the young woman seated here by her adoptive parents. As the family story goes, she was adopted by her maternal aunt and her husband after she was removed from her parents' home due to domestic violence. She had a pretty happy childhood, but she always had one regret -- she had a younger brother that she never heard from again.
I posted this story on ancestry dot com, and sometime later, someone responded with "the rest of the story," as Paul Harvey used to say. 
Samuel Wells Samuels: I am writing this assuming that you are related somehow to Sue Sanford. I believe (and have yet to research) that Samuel Sanford was adopted by Archibald Ellsworth, whom Harriet Coglizer got together with after she probably left her husband. I am making this assumption because my fiance is the grandson of Samuel Wells Ellsworth, who's mother was Harriet Coglizer and who's father was Archie Ellsworth. I hope this helps! I'm glad you posted this story, it cleared things up for my search as well.
It's so amazing how we can collaborate with people we've never even met to solve these family history mysteries.

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