
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Block Party Saturday

Mondo Bird pair for Laine in First Time Bee.

With all the craziness going on at my house lately - graduation, Quilt Market, work and DD#2 getting engaged, I've fallen behind on my swaps and bees, so I spent yesterday catching up. 

Taking the most tardy first, I completed the Mondo birds for justplainlaine in the First Time Bee.  I tried them a couple of weeks ago, and messed them up, so I was a little bit intimidated going back to them, but I was pleased with the results.

Mondo Mom

Mondo Baby

Then I worked on the blocks for the 3x6 Bee.  I had a terrible time with these because my pattern was for a 12 -inch block and I was supposed to make 12.5 inch blocks, and somehow I didn't ever seem to get the math right.  To top it off, I broke my quilting foot just before quilt market and haven't been able to find a replacement locally.  Guess I'll have to hunt the Net.  In any event, here are the blocks I made...  Can you believe 6 blocks took me all day? 

For Sabi - green and cranberry with pink and orange

For Darcy - autumn theme

For Dorrie - blue, aqua, green

For Dustin - beige, burgundy and dark brown

For Kathleen - greens and burgundies (totally missed the sunset comment though, sorry)

For Micci - blue
I have also received 5 of my 6 blocks for the 3x6 Bee.  It has been fun to get little packages in the mail the last couple of weeks!

From Sabi

From Darcy

From Dustin

From Kathleen

From Micci

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